**Webinar Announcement**

Join us on the 9th April at 16:00 CET for a webinar where we will present our latest investigation: Africa24: How an Africa-based network built fake media and clickbait health scams for profit

During this session, we will delve deeper into how the network uses classic disinformation techniques and finances itself through syndicating RT and Sputnik content and spreading health misinformation. In view of this, the network has increasingly utilised the coronavirus pandemic to its advantage by propagating coronavirus misinformation for clickbait purposes. REGISTER HERE.

Coronavirus Resource Hub

We have set up a coronavirus resource hub dedicated to gathering information on the latest developments, commentary, and research vis à vis the coronavirus infodemic. Please drop us a message at info@disinfo.eu in case you have something to share with us. 

Online platforms vs. the infodemic

We have released a blog post providing a comprehensive overview of actions and policies implemented by online platforms to curb the infodemic. According to Politico’s Mark Scott, these measures signify how the platforms ought to be treated as public utilities complete with appropriate oversight. Yet, Wired ponders on whether the coronavirus may have killed the techlash that preceded the pandemic. Perhaps in the same vein as Scott, Dr. Joan Donovan for MIT Technology Review writes how online platforms could fight the infodemic by, for example, working with governments to create emergency alert systems to notify users of critical information in times of crisis. Moreover, the Center for Humane Technology explains how tech can stand up for humanity by utilising their power to persuade people to stay at home.

Chloroquine as a cure for the coronavirus?

Looking at the narratives surrounding the infodemic, one particularly stands out for its global prevalence – the claim that the antimalarial drug chloroquine can cure the coronavirus. At present, there’s a plethora of misinformation surrounding chloroquine as highlighted in the Institute for Strategic Dialogue’s Covid-19 Disinformation Briefing. The jury is still out on chloroquine’s ability to cure the coronavirus, but President Trump’s claim that chloroquine is “100% effective” has stimulated global hoarding and overdoses, even resulting in one death. This also hasn’t stopped Fox News from propagating the drug’s effectiveness. Buzzfeed rightly warns about the real consequences of this misinformation in that false drug hopes might take the brakes off social distancing too early. Amongst all the confusion and panic, the best course of action is to listen to the experts.

Good reads

Coronavirus influence


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