EU DisinfoLab is involved in a number of European projects that seek to build connections throughout the counter-disinformation community to share knowledge and resources, and to empower individuals by providing them with the tools and tips for improving their media and digital literacy skills and critical thinking.

Ongoing projects


The veraAI project aims to develop and build trustworthy AI solutions in the fight against disinformation.


ATHENA is a Horizon Europe project that contributes to Europe’s defence against foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI).


The European Digital Media Observatory for Belgium and Luxembourg (EDMO BELUX), a Belgian and Luxembourgish hub for research on digital media and disinformation.

Past Projects


EU DisinfoLab is proud to be one of the co-founders of the European Digital Media Observatory for Belgium and Luxembourg (EDMO BELUX), a Belgian and Luxembourgish hub for research on digital media and disinformation.


Six European fact-checkers and organizations investigating disinformation will guide the process to create the Code of Professional Integrity for Independent European fact-checking with the support of the European Commission.


CrossOver is a project to fight misinformation by creating tools for monitoring and analysing the recommendation algorithms of social networks. The project strengthens civil society by making it more resilient through a multilingual, cross-border and multi-platform approach.


WeVerify is an EU co-funded Horizon 2020 project that wants to address the advanced content verification challenges through a participatory verification approach, open source algorithms, low-overhead human-in-the-loop machine learning and intuitive visualizations.  The WeVerify project can celebrate some key achievements like the launch of a verification plug-in which provides users with a variety of tools aimed at empowering them to verify cross-modal information and to debunk disinformation.

Open Your Eyes – Fake News for Dummies

The EU Erasmus+ project Open Your Eyes targets adult learners and educators to improve their media and digital skills by raising awareness of the concept of fake news and providing the necessary tools to combat it.

The Many Faces Fighting Disinformation

The report entitled “The Many Faces Fighting Disinformation: Safeguarding Civil Society’s Role in the Response to Information Disorders” presents a panorama of multidisciplinary actors responding to information disorders, financed by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, it relied on in-depth qualitative interviews with 14 civil society actors who are leading the fight against disinformation across Europe.

Future Projects?

Are you looking for a partner for a future project?

Thanks to the experience gathered during the projects listed above, we are in a perfect position to support projects in the areas of dissemination and communications, as well as research and investigative work around disinformation and policies linked to it.

Our central position in the European and global counter-disinformation community allows us to support community building and stakeholder engagement in this sphere. 

Please get in touch to explore the possibilities to work together! ⬇️