20 June, 14:30 – 15:30 CEST
Operation Overload uncovers a concerted effort to target fact-checkers, newsrooms, and researchers worldwide, depleting their resources and exploiting credible information ecosystems to propagate the Kremlin’s political agenda. The campaign operates through a coordinated email strategy, networks of Telegram channels, a multitude of inauthentic accounts on X (formerly Twitter), and an ecosystem of Russia-aligned websites, including the newly discovered Pravda network. The operation’s tactics include flooding media organisations with anonymous emails containing links to fabricated content and anti-Ukraine narratives, with a particular focus on France and Germany. Through collaboration with over 20 global media organisations, over 200 emails were collected and analysed, revealing a sophisticated and ongoing disinformation effort. Over 800 organisations were targeted via a network of fake accounts on X, demonstrating clear markers of coordinated inauthentic behaviour. Despite these indicators, X has consistently failed to curb the network’s activities, allowing many of these assets to remain active. A key tactic, termed “content amalgamation,” involves blending various content types to create cohesive, multi-layered stories. These stories are strategically amplified across platforms to instil a false sense of urgency among journalists and fact-checkers. Additionally, the operation involves impersonating legitimate Western media and individuals and linking false narratives to real-world events to enhance their credibility.
Watch the replay of our session with Guillaume Kuster from Check First to learn more:
Guillaume Kuster, Check First
Guillaume Kuster is CEO and co-founder of Check First. He took part in the design and implementation of the CrossOver project’s monitoring system and acts as investigator, writer and data analyst. He specialises in the study of the spread of disinformation and FIMI through algorithmic recommendations. Prior, Guillaume was a journalist for nearly 20 years in the public service media in France.
Alexandre Alaphilippe, EU DisinfoLab
Alexandre is the Executive director and co-founder of the EU DisinfoLab. Since 2017, he has coordinated work on some of the organisation’s largest investigations into Information Operations linked to Russia, India and China. In 2022, he led the exposure of Doppelganger, which has been labeled as one of the largest information operation from Russia in the past years. He is a member of a number of working groups in Brussels and Washington DC linked to platform regulation, transatlantic relations, and hybrid threats, where he emphasises the role of civil society in maintaining democratic values. He has published papers for the Brookings Institution and his work has been featured on CNN, BBC, Le Monde and Politico.

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