Author: Ana Romero-Vicente
Reviewer: Maria Giovanna Sessa
The EU DisinfoLab has authored a report under the EU-funded project veraAI entitled “Visual assessment of Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour in disinformation campaigns”.
The report examines three disinformation, manipulation, and interference campaigns: ‘Operation Overload’ (by CheckFirst), ‘A massive Russian influence operation on TikTok’ (by by DFRLab and BBC Verify), and ‘QAnon’s ‘Save the Children’ campaign’ (by multiple stakeholders). Through a structured visual approach, it assesses how these cases align with key indicators of Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour (CIB).
To determine whether a campaign exhibits CIB, the report applies a set of 50 CIB indicators based on EU DisinfoLab’s previous work, revisit the Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour Detection Tree. The presence of these indicators is evaluated and quantified to generate a probability score for CIB, ranging from 0 to 100%.
Additionally, the findings are visually represented using colour-coded gauges across five key dimensions: Coordination, Authenticity, Source, Impact, and Final Assessment. This approach aims to enhance understanding of CIB tactics and provide the defender community with practical tools to detect and mitigate such activities.
This publication was authored under the veraAI project, and originally published here: