October 12, 2022

By EU DisinfoLab & #ShePersisted

This Technical Document is the result of a collaboration between EU DisinfoLab and #ShePersisted. It offers a short and practical toolbox of what should be considered when speaking of gender-based disinformation.

Gender-based disinformation (GBD) – also called gendered disinformation – focuses on the intersection between disinformation and gender, where women, gender non-conforming people, and marginalised groups such as LGBTQIA+ individuals are disproportionately targeted and harassed by spreading deceptive or inaccurate content about them. The techniques for diffusing gendered disinformation are diverse, and can comprise misogynist comments that reinforce gender stereotypes, the sexualisation and diffusion of graphic content, online harassment including threats of violence, and even cyber-attacks. We support an intersectional activist definition that goes beyond a binary conception of gender, and which evolves with our understanding of and responses to the phenomenon.